Struggling filmmakers strike back

Ask any experienced filmmaker what the hardest part of their job is, and most will agree they have hit brick walls at several points in their career. As with many creative professions, inspiration is key and every so often it dries up. When reaching a frustrating stand-still it would be all too easy to give up, but passion drives these people to push through, no-one can tell their story like they can.

Filmmaking can bring with it great exposure and even fame for a select few, but it’s a hard task. Here are just a few crucial aspects that need to be taken into consideration: -

1.       Creating a unique storyline – the storyline is the foundation of any film. One of the most common complaints within audiences is that, whist the actors were great and the filming quality was amazing, the storyline was the same they have seen time and time again. Staying within comfort zones may feel like the safer option but taking risks can bring a higher level of reward.

2.       Don’t drag it out – if the storyline can be created perfectly in 90 minutes, there is no need to extend to 120 minutes. Dragging out a unique storyline can weaken it and make the audience lose interest.

3.       The casting curse – The right cast can bring the storyline to life and get people talking about it, similarly a cast that doesn’t quite fit can make the storyline feel awkward and change the whole feel of the film.

Even the most seasoned filmmaker relies on a strong crew behind them to make the magic happen, they know their strengths and weaknesses. Cast, crew and production companies all play key parts in what appears on our screens.


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