Major changes to child-focused video content
If your target consumer base consists mainly of a young demographic, you need to be aware of a big shift in the video content world. YouTube has been used for many years as a platform to share video content and video advertising targeted at children, but change is on the horizon.
It has been announced that YouTube has updated its preferred algorithm, providing preferential viewing to quality content. Bloomberg were first to break the news of the changes and report that the update is diverting traffic away from some whilst showing more of others. YouTube confirmed:
"We make hundreds of changes every year to make it easier for people to find what they want to watch on YouTube…We recently made one such change that improves the ability for users to find quality family content."
The change has some video creators concerned as to how this will impact their livelihood, however we feel it is a change that should be welcomed with open arms.
It Is common knowledge that the internet has been flooded with poor content for years, the young and vulnerable need to be protected more than most and this may be a way of offering much needed protection for a safer online experience.
Quality video content is key and consulting a professional video production company can help businesses stay on the right side of the new algorithm. Here’s to hoping the change towards quality rolls out across all video platforms over time.